Vince Okerman, known online as "Vexx,"is a Belgian multidisciplinary visual artist, globally noted for his signature "doodles" style. Vexx sits as one of the most recognized artists of his generation, with a combined social media following of over three and a half million subscribers and followers, and has partnered with brands including Gucci, Porche, Puma, Spongebob Squarepants, Red Bull, and Amazon among others.
Vince Okerman, known online as "Vexx,"is a Belgian multidisciplinary visual artist, globally noted for his signature "doodles" style. Vexx sits as one of the most recognized artists of his generation, with a combined social media following of over three and a half million subscribers and followers, and has partnered with brands including Gucci, Porche, Puma, Spongebob Squarepants, Red Bull, and Amazon among others.